The Birth of Bark Bag!


After years of pleading (with a bit of bribery and bargaining thrown in for good measure) Mikie finally agreed to get a dog. Snowy very promptly entered into our lives not long after. We were completely unprepared for the effect he would have on our lives.

The house rules for snowy went something like this:

  • Snowy is not allowed on any of the furniture
  • Snowy is allowed on the couch only and only when supervised
  • Snowy is allowed on the furniture any time but not the bed
  • Snowy is not allowed to sleep in the bedroom
  • Snowy can sleep in the bedroom but in his bed
  • Snowy can sleep and roam wherever he damn well likes

Look at his face - how could anyone say no?

The Idea

I think you can probably tell that Snowy has us completely wrapped around his little paw at this point. This includes buying him the best treats and toys. Often.

I came across subscription services for dog treats and toys. I loved the idea of getting a surprise selection of treats and toys delivered. Variety is the spice of life. What I didn’t love was that I had no say in what kind of treats came in it. For example, Snowy loves soft toys but does not play with chase toys (unless another dog wants it - then he’s very interested).

Nevertheless, I bit the bullet and bought one. We were a bit disappointed with what we got. Snowy didn’t touch half the items in the box and it didn’t feel like good value for money. I complained to Mikie that this (subscription) was a great idea but I really wished that I could customise the boxes to better suit.

Mikie suggested we build it. And so Bark Bag was born!

Yeah right. I wish.

The Slow Slog

The reality is that we let this idea rattle around for months. We kept saying it would be such a great idea, there was a space in the market for it, we should really do it. All the while we were continuing on with our everyday lives and jobs.

While all this was going on in the background - I was having second thoughts about my chosen career as a corporate lawyer. After a lot of soul searching, budget balancing and research I quit my job to focus on Bark Bag full time and really giving this business a go.

That was 3 months ago.

After a lot of late nights, some tears, no sweat (it was the middle of winter and it was unusually cold in Auckland), 8 paper cuts while choosing the appropriate paper weight for our packaging and countless hours obsessing over every little detail …

Bark Bag was born!

I am proud to stand behind the service we have created and truly believe it is the best on the market. What’s more - I am doing something I am passionate about.

So go on … treat your dog to something a little special!

Does your dog deserve a personal shopper? Take a look at Bark Bag, we send out dog treats tailored to your dog’s preference profile.

From Auckland with love